child n. (pl. children ) 1.孩子,儿童,胎儿,婴儿。 2.孩子气的人,幼稚的人。 3.子孙;后裔;(空想等的)产物。 4.追随者,崇拜者,弟子。 5.某个时代的产物。 a forward child早熟[慧]儿。 a male [female] child男[女]孩。 a natural child私生子。 a spoilt child宠子,娇儿。 The child is father of [to] the man. 从小看大。 Don't be a child! 不要孩子气! fancy's children 想像的产物,空想。 child of fortune 幸运儿。 child of nature 自然的宠儿;天真的人。 child of the devil 魔鬼之子,恶人。 as a child在幼年时代。 drag up a child 〔口语〕把孩子拉扯大。 from a child 自幼。 own a child 承认自己是孩子的父亲。 this child 〔美俚〕我,鄙人。 with child 怀孕。 adj. -like 孩子似的;天真烂漫的,直率的,老实的。 n. 蔡尔德〔姓氏〕。
It will be a tall order tohalve extreme poverty , roll back child mortality and provide universalprimary education , all by 2015 到2015年,使贫困减半,降低儿童死亡率并提供普及初级教育,这将是一项高难度的工作。
In comparison to other developing countries progress in india has been slower particularly in child mortality , gender equality and primary school completion 相比较于其他发展中国家,印度儿童的死亡率更高、男女不等、未完成基础教育的学生多。
But many previously impoverished countries are now well on their way toenjoying levels of child mortality , longevity and health comparable tothose of the richest countries 但有许多先前贫困的国家通过发展,在儿童死亡率,长寿以及卫生方面与发达国家可以相当。
One school of thought emphasises reduced child mortality , suggesting this means that fewer “ spares ” need be generated to be sure that some children reach adulthood 一种学派强调儿童死亡率的下降,提出这就意味着只要繁殖出更少“备用”后代就可以保证子女成年。
Reducing the number of women dying in childbirth by three - quarters and reducing child mortality by two thirds by 2015 is one of the key goals of the millennium declaration 到2015年使产妇死亡率降低四分之三并使儿童死亡率降低三分之二是《千年宣言》的重点目标之一。
Study of the human bones has shown a high rate of infant and child mortality and several cases of burials of women with babies , perhaps indicating death during childbirth 学者研究人骨,发现婴儿与儿童的死亡率很高,还找到了妇女与婴儿合葬的例子,也许是在生产过程中死亡的。
They also draw attention to the pressing need to meet the millennium development goals of reducing maternal deaths by three quarters , and reducing child mortality by two thirds by 2015 它们也将提醒我们注意迫切需要实现千年发展目标,即到2015年使孕产妇死亡率降低四分之三并使儿童死亡率降低三分之二。
But the report also noted that the region was making very slow progress in addressing child mortality and nutrition , improving maternal health and providing safe drinking water and sanitation 然而该报告还指出,在解决儿童死亡率和营养不良、改善母亲健康状况以及提供安全饮用水和卫生条件方面,亚太地区进展非常缓慢。
The gift , valued today at more than $ 30 billion , will create a philanthropic organization with potential to significantly shape social issues including child mortality , disease control and education 现价值为300多亿美元的该笔捐款将被用来建立一个可能对儿童死亡率、疾病控制以及教育等社会问题产生深远影响的慈善组织。